Frequently Asked Questions

Licensing FAQs

What differentiates the major versions of 3D-Tool Free Viewer, Basic, Advanced and Premium?

The difference between 3D-Tool Free Viewer, Basic, Advanced and Premium is what file formats are supported for import & export. All other features for viewing, analyzing and measuring 3D models and 2D drawings are the same in each version.

Additionally, 3D-Tool Premium comes with a separate application called 3D-NativeCAD Converter, which will convert native CAD models of the most commonly used CAD systems into neutral 3D exchange formats STEP, IGS, SAT, VDA, and Parasolid.

The 3D-Tool Free Viewer supports 3D-Tool EXE and DDD files, as well as STL files. It has a lot of features of 3D-Tool, such as Cross Section, Measure/Markup and Explosion, but files cannot be saved or published.

How do I purchase 3D-Tool software?

By Credit Card, or Purchase Order/Check... via website, e-mail, phone, or Fax.

On-line: Purchase with Credit Card
E-mail a P.O. to Support@3D-Tool-USA.com
Fax 877-711-3900 or phone: 763-772-5965

How does the online activation of 3D-Tool work?

You receive a License Certificate (pdf) for each license that you buy. Use the Authorization Key from that certificate to request the computer specific License Key online by doing the following steps.

Start 3D-Tool, and click on “Get License Key” in the Licensing dialog. Then enter the Authorization Key. Next, enter your e-mail address. You should receive the License Key within 60 minutes.

Once you have received the License Key by e-mail, enter the Key into the Licensing window, or simply save the license file (license.dat) that comes with the License Key in the installation folder of 3D-Tool.

My License-Key does not work. What can I do?

You are probably using a license key that was requested for a different computer, or earlier 3D-Tool installation.
If you change the computer or have to set it up again, you need a new License-Key.

With the Authorization-Key on the 3D-Tool license certificate (pdf), you can request the new License-Key online, directly in 3D-Tool.

If you don't understand some of the licensing terminology yet, please continue reading some of the other Q&A's on this page.

What is a License Certificate, Authorization Key, License Key, Serial Number?

License Certificate, A PDF document

- E-mailed to you when you purchased 3D-Tool software
- States what version of software you own, the Serial Number, and Authorization Key.

Serial Number, 5 digits: 12345

- Number assigned to your purchased software
- Does not change from Version to Version
- It is found on your License Certificate, and in the 3D-Tool application: Options > About 3D-Tool
- Please include the Serial Number in all correspondence.

Authorization Key, 3 groups of 4 alphanumerics: XX88-88XX-X88X
- Only found on License Certificate PDF.
- Assigned to your Version of purchased software
- Proof of ownership of a particular Software package and Major Version, Example: 3D-Tool Premium - Version 15
- Required for on-line License generation for the specific computer

Registration-ID, 2 groups of 5 alphanumerics: ABC12-34DEF

- Unique number created by the software on a particular computer.
- The number will be different on every computer the application is installed on.

License Key, 5 groups of 4 alphanumerics: XX88 XX88 XX88 XX88 XX88

- Unique number sent to you after following Licensing instructions.
- The License Key activates your version software on a particular computer.
- The number will be different on every computer the application is installed on.

How do I request a free Trial Key?

Start 3D-Tool, click on “Get Trial Key” in the Licensing Dialog, and enter the information requested. The Trial Key is sent to your e-mail address within 60 minutes. After you receive the Trial Key, enter it in the Licensing dialog to activate 3D-Tool Premium.

During the trial period, you can choose in the License dialog at the start of 3D-Tool a license for the current session: Basic, Advanced or Premium. Doing this, only the relevant interfaces and program functions are activated. This way you can test 3D-Tool in the exact version you intend to purchase.

However, the 3D-NativeCAD Converter is permanently activated until the expiration of the Trial Key, even if it is only part of 3D-Tool Premium.

Note: The 14-day-trial starts on the day that you received the Trial Key.

Where can I find the Authorization Key for the online activation of 3D-Tool?

When you order a 3D-Tool license, you will receive an email with a pdf file attachment. That pdf file is the License Certificate. This certificate contains the Authorization Key to activate a new installation of software. Print or save the License Certificate and keep it in a safe place. Without an Authorization Key online activation is not possible.

I can’t find my License Certificate with the Authorization-Key. What should I do?

The License Certificate was sent to the e-mail address that you provided when you ordered the software. If you did not order it yourself, contact the person who placed the order. If you do not have a License Certificate, you can request it by e-mail: Support@3D-Tool-USA.com (if purchased from 3D-Tool-USA.com reseller), or Team@3D-Tool.de (if purchased from Germany site). We will check to see if you own a 3D-Tool license and send you the License Certificate. Please include the Serial Number of the license, if at all possible.

Can I use the 3D-Tool license on more than one computer?

No, the 3D-Tool license can only be used on one computer. If you want to use 3D-Tool on more than one computer, you have to buy the required number of licenses. Contact us, so we can make you an individual offer.

Are there network (floating) licenses available for 3D-Tool?

No, network licenses are not supported by 3D-Tool. If you want to use 3D-Tool on more than one computer, contact us, so we can make you an individual offer.

For license quantities of 50 seats or more we offer volume licensing.

Are there any software updates and how do I get them?

3D-Tool is continually updated, and the updates are placed on our website where they can be downloaded.

Updates within a major release are free of charge. Simply download the current version from our website and install it over your version. You do not need a new License Key. You can also check for updates by going to the Options tab in 3D-Tool and selecting Check for updates.

Updates to a higher version of 3D-Tool are subject to charge, and you need a new Authorization Key.

How long is a license valid?

3D-Tool licenses have no expiration date. With the payment of the license price, the license is valid indefinitely, without additional maintenance costs.

The license applies to the major version purchased and all service updates (minor 'dot' revs) published for this version. Updates to new major versions are available for a modest fee. Please see the online store (Purchase page) for pricing.

Are there annual maintenance or service costs, or subscription fees?

No, there are no maintenance or service costs.

All minor version service updates released for the particular major version you purchased are free. Updates to new major versions are available for a modest fee. Please see the online store (Purchase page) for pricing.

Old version downloads... Where can I get a version prior to V13?

Sorry... We cannot provide any 3D-Tool installer applications prior to version 13.

An email was sent to all users May, 2018 to explain:

Concerning Versions Prior to 13
Protecting data privacy
On May 25th, 2018, the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. The new law contains extensive regulations and information requirements for the processing and protection of personal data.

All 3D-Tool versions up to and including 3D-Tool Version 12 do not meet the more restrictive requirements of the GDPR. Therefore, we will not be able to provide Installers for versions prior to 13.

Updating your software version to the current downloadable version is available on the Purchase page for a nominal fee.

Working with 3D-Tool

Why does it take so long to open my 3D CAD models?

Large assemblies or very complex models may take a while to load, as the conversion of CAD data into visualization data for displaying the models requires more computing power and system memory.

In 3D-Tool Premium you can noticeably decrease the time to open large assemblies in the original (native) file formats from CATIA, Creo, Siemens NX, SolidWorks, SolidEdge and Inventor. When opening these file formats, select the import setting "Graphic CAD data". This reads the visualization data of the CAD system already present in the files.

How can I output STEP, IGES, VDA, SAT or Parasolid from the viewer?

This is not possible because the models are only available as visualization data (Polygon MESH) in the viewer.

If you need to convert between different native CAD formats, and you have a Premium version license, use the 3D-NativeCAD Converter. That program was installed as a stand-alone program when you installed 3D-Tool.

Can I use 3D-Tool to convert CAD files?

In addition to publishing models in 3D-Tool format (EXE/DDD) and as 3D PDF file, you can also save models loaded in 3D-Tool as STL, VRML, 3DS, PLY, OBJ and U3D files.

Additionally, 3D-Tool Premium has the 3D-NativeCAD Converter to convert native CAD models and 3D exchange formats into CATIA V5, STEP, IGS, VDA, SAT and Parasolid.

Can I create a 2D drawing of a 3D model?

Creating a 2D CAD drawing from a 3D model is not possible with 3D-Tool. 3D-Tool only offers the option of exporting the cutting line of a 3D cross-section as a 2D DXF file.

How can I speed up the display of big models?

Activate hardware acceleration in the Options tab - Preferences button - Hardware. There you should also activate the fast OpenGL3.3 for 3D-Tool.

In 3D-Tool Advanced and Premium you can accelerate the display of large and complex 3D models if you select "Low Quality" in the import settings when opening the models.

Why does “This file format is not supported by the Free Viewer” appear when I import a file?

This message appears if you are trying to open a file that is not a 3D-Tool EXE/DDD or STL file while you are using the Free Viewer. To open any other file format you will need install a commercial version of 3D-Tool with a valid License Key for Basic, Advanced, or Premium - depending on what file type you need to open.


Publishing EXE Files

What is a 3D-Tool EXE file?

The 3D-Tool EXE files contain the 3D-Tool Free Viewer and your CAD data. You can share them with customers or suppliers. The EXE files can be opened on a computer with a Windows operating system without any software installation or licensing. The recipient can view the model on his computer and use all features of the 3D-Tool Viewer.

Does the recipient need a 3D-Tool license to open the EXE files?

No, the 3D-Tool EXE files can be opened without a 3D-Tool license.

Has the recipient to install anything before starting 3D-Tool EXE files?

No, when a 3D-Tool EXE file is started, nothing will be installed.

Can the recipient of EXE files make changes on the model and save them?

The recipient can make changes on the models and views.
However, since it is the same as a Free Viewer, the user cannot save their changes.

My EXE file is blocked by a firewall. Is there a way to bypass the firewall?

These are suggestions only, with no guarantee of a solution for your circumstances.

In case the EXE file you sent is blocked by the firewall or email filters of the recipient, create a ZIP file when publishing the EXE file. That way the file is packed into a ZIP archive. The recipient only has to unpack the file.

If ZIP files are still being blocked try adding Password security to the ZIP file. Some email systems will allow these. The file can only be opened with both parties knowing a password.

If the file is still blocked, create an unzipped EXE file and change the file extension from *.exe to *.txt. Then zip the file. The recipient has to manually change the file extension back to *.exe.

If all of the above fails the following options are available:

You publish the model as a DDD file. These contain everything an EXE file does except the 3D-Tool Viewer; and a .DDD file can be sent by e-mail without difficulties. The recipient will need the 3D-Tool Free Viewer to view the file. That version is available on the Downloads page.

Or, you can publish the model as a 3D-PDF file that can be viewed with the Adobe Acrobat Reader (7.0.7 or higher).










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